Effective Therapy for Parkinson's disease
Treatment in Austria , Neurology , Vienna - medical capital of Europe , Treatment in Vienna
Scientists around the world are looking for methods to treat Parkinson's disease. Currently, both radical and classical therapies are used. The Parkinson Center at the private clinic Confraternität, Austria is one of the leading medical facilities in Europe, where the successful therapy is carried out to combat the disease.
The clinic’s three hundred year history and the patients’ recognition from all over the world confirm its impeccable reputation. The medical center is well known for its high quality medical equipment and first class patient care. Treatment of Parkinson's disease is one of the main specialisations of the clinic.
Dangers of Parkinson's disease
It is a chronic, slowly progressing disease that affects both the elderly and the young. Disease development is characterised by changes in the substantia nigra of the brain, the cells of which are responsible for the production of dopamine. It is dopamine that provides the transport of the signal between the striatum of the brain and neurons of the black substance. Distraction of this connection leads to the loss of the ability to coordinate movements and, as a result, to a deterioration in the quality of life.
Ignoring medical therapy can lead to a worsening of the condition, disability or death. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to completely cure the disease, but supportive therapy can alleviate the symptoms and prolong life.
Parkinson's Treatments offered at private clinic Confraternität
The head of the center, Dr. Volc, is one of the world's leading experts in the treatment of parkinsonism. Under his leadership, in 2012 was carried out the world's first vaccination against Parkinson's disease. The clinic offers various therapy methods to combat this disease:
The clinic’s three hundred year history and the patients’ recognition from all over the world confirm its impeccable reputation. The medical center is well known for its high quality medical equipment and first class patient care. Treatment of Parkinson's disease is one of the main specialisations of the clinic.
Dangers of Parkinson's disease
It is a chronic, slowly progressing disease that affects both the elderly and the young. Disease development is characterised by changes in the substantia nigra of the brain, the cells of which are responsible for the production of dopamine. It is dopamine that provides the transport of the signal between the striatum of the brain and neurons of the black substance. Distraction of this connection leads to the loss of the ability to coordinate movements and, as a result, to a deterioration in the quality of life.
Ignoring medical therapy can lead to a worsening of the condition, disability or death. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to completely cure the disease, but supportive therapy can alleviate the symptoms and prolong life.
Parkinson's Treatments offered at private clinic Confraternität
The head of the center, Dr. Volc, is one of the world's leading experts in the treatment of parkinsonism. Under his leadership, in 2012 was carried out the world's first vaccination against Parkinson's disease. The clinic offers various therapy methods to combat this disease:
- Duodopa
- APO-goLow-dose DOPA-containing agents
- DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation)More than a quarter century ago, Dr. Volc successfully introduced the DBS method to treat patients with parkinsonism. This allowed for a reduction of drugs and improvement in motor function. The DBS technique involves surgical intervention under general anesthesia.
Professor Volc developed another innovative method - the automated delivery of dopamine to the small intestine through an implanted pump. As a result, patients retain motor functions and the syndrome of "dose depletion" and "shutdown" associated with immobility are stopped.