8 reasons to choose Vienna for a medial treatment abroad
Treatment in Austria , Vienna - medical capital of Europe , Treatment in Vienna
World-famous attractions, diverse cultural offers, magnificent “shopping miles” and its first-class medical facilities make it a top destination for health tourism.
Besides Vienna has the highest quality of life in the world. This was shown consistently, ten times in a row, by Mercer’s international research called “Quality of Living Ranking”.
Superior-quality private clinics place Vienna at the top of the world’s medical sector. The best doctors and the use of the best clinical equipment provide the perfect environment for patients to recover.
Do not believe yet? Then we suggest you learn 8 reasons to choose Vienna for a medial treatment abroad!
Great location in the heart of Europe
There are flights to Vienna from 195 destinations in 70 countries making it a hub between Eastern and Western Europe.
The Vienna airport is 100% wheelchair accessible and offers numerous services such as comfortable lounges and individual VIP services.
Well-trained specialists
Vienna boasts outstanding physicians (university professors above all) and excellent interdisciplinary cooperation among leading specialists in all fields.
All Services under one roof
All necessary services are organised and offered to patients at one location.
Your Personal Physician
Unlike in other public hospitals, you are guaranteed to be continually treated by the same physician.
Vienna speaks your language
Multilingual medical staff accompany and support patients from their initial request to the discharge.
Top value for the money
Comparing with other European countries, you can even say great!
Quality Extends Beyond Medicine
Comfortable, modern, elegant furnishings of the buildings, attentive care, food from selected producers and gourmet style cuisine are all provide an ideal environment for a quick recovery. Private clinics offer you a perfect combination of tradition with the most up-to-date technology.
Incoming Travel Agencies
The professional partners for your trip offer all-in-one support and have outstanding contacts to the most renowned specialists and medical facilities, as well as a multilingual team.
Besides Vienna has the highest quality of life in the world. This was shown consistently, ten times in a row, by Mercer’s international research called “Quality of Living Ranking”.
Superior-quality private clinics place Vienna at the top of the world’s medical sector. The best doctors and the use of the best clinical equipment provide the perfect environment for patients to recover.
Do not believe yet? Then we suggest you learn 8 reasons to choose Vienna for a medial treatment abroad!
Great location in the heart of Europe
There are flights to Vienna from 195 destinations in 70 countries making it a hub between Eastern and Western Europe.
The Vienna airport is 100% wheelchair accessible and offers numerous services such as comfortable lounges and individual VIP services.
Well-trained specialists
Vienna boasts outstanding physicians (university professors above all) and excellent interdisciplinary cooperation among leading specialists in all fields.
All Services under one roof
All necessary services are organised and offered to patients at one location.
Your Personal Physician
Unlike in other public hospitals, you are guaranteed to be continually treated by the same physician.
Vienna speaks your language
Multilingual medical staff accompany and support patients from their initial request to the discharge.
Top value for the money
Comparing with other European countries, you can even say great!
Quality Extends Beyond Medicine
Comfortable, modern, elegant furnishings of the buildings, attentive care, food from selected producers and gourmet style cuisine are all provide an ideal environment for a quick recovery. Private clinics offer you a perfect combination of tradition with the most up-to-date technology.
Incoming Travel Agencies
The professional partners for your trip offer all-in-one support and have outstanding contacts to the most renowned specialists and medical facilities, as well as a multilingual team.